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HomeFrenchExams & CertificationsTEF

TEF (Test d'Evaluation en Français)

The Test of French Evaluation (TEF) is an international reference test that measures your level of knowledge and skills in French.

Valid for 2 years, the TEF, operated by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP), is officially recognized by the French Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the French Ministry of the Interior (FRANCE); the Canadian Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship and the Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Francization and Integration (CANADA) and the State Secretariat for Migration (SWITZERLAND).

Why should I take the TEF?

The TEF is a modular test. There are four variants of the TEF: depending on your objectives and the steps you are taking, register for the version of the TEF that includes the tests you need, each with its own distinct tests:

Reading Comprehension Written Comprehension Oral Production Written Production Language proficiency Goals
Intégration, Résidence, Nationalité
x x x x
  • Obtain residence permit and French or Swiss nationality
  • Upgrade your A1 level for the CIR (Republican Integration Contract)
TEF Canada immigration x x x x

  Immigrating to Canada

TEF Canada citoyenneté x

  Becoming a Canadian citizen

TEF Québec x optional x optional

  Immigrating to Québec

TEF autres usages x x x x x

  Joining a school/university etc.

Pratical Informations

Venue: Centre de Langues de l'Institut
50 USD per test of choice
Registration: Contact our administration staff to organise an exam session via

Find all the information you need about taking the exam and preparing for it on the official Français des Affaires website. 

How to pass the TEF?