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DFP (Diplôme de Français Professionnel)

A diploma to validate your French language skills in your professional field.
Recognized by the French Ministry of the Interior and operated by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP), the DFP (Diploma of
Professional French) enables you to validate your French language skills in the fields of international relations, healthcare,
tourism-hospitality-restauration or business,
from level A1 to C1 depending on the sector.
The level obtained is valid for life, and is also an asset on your CV when applying for jobs in specific fields.
Who's it for?
What are the compulsory tests?
The tests take place online and are followed by an oral interview.
They consist of two parts:
1- Understanding and processing information ((between 45 min and 2h depending on level)
- Processing written information
- Processing oral information
- Interacting in writing
2- Interacting orally (between 5 and 15 min depending on level, with preparation time)
- Two role-play activities
Practical information
Venue: Centre de Langues de l'Institut
Fees: 95 USD (A1 & A2) or 145 USD
(B1 to C1)
Registration: Contact our administration staff to organise an exam session via certifications@ifcambodge.com
Find all the information you need about taking the exam and preparing for it on the official Français des Affaires website.